52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History – Week 1 New Year’s Day

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One of my goals this year was to keep plugging away on family history and to become more active in the online Genealogy community.  Geneabloggers  hosts 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History and I'm going to do my best to keep it up.

Week 1: New Year’s. Did your family have any New Year’s traditions? How was the New Year celebrated during your childhood? Have you kept these traditions in the present day?

Getting together with the extended family was important when I was younger.  It seemed like every holiday, birthday, or random day there was a party or picnic at my grandparent's house.  New Years was no exception.  The only difference was that it was at my Great Aunt and Uncles house.  I really don't remember to much about the days except that there was a large number of people in a tiny house with LOTS of food!  Everywhere you turned there was a table with more food.  I think I may have emptied the olive bowls myself each and every time.  It was also a sure thing that my Great Grandmother would make Jello squares.  My cousins and I looked forward to those at every event. 

Unfortunately I have moved 400+ miles away and the parties have slowed down.  My husband, daughter and I have a nice quiet NYE evening and enjoy the new year together. 


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