SWEZY Family Roadblock

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last night I was on a roll working on my father's side of the  family.  That is until I came up on my GR-GR-Grandfather, Dubois Swezy (Sweezey, Swezey, etc).  This is where the line seems to stop.  I have all of his civil war records showing three, yes three! variations of his last name but if I want to know who his mother is, nope.  Father, nope.  Nothing.

I know I'm not the only one who is stuck.  I've been in contact with Bob at www.sweezey.com and he is stuck in a similar place.  Looks like I'll be researching a bit in Orange County, New York when I go home this summer. 

Until then, I'll leave you all with this.

 Source:  www.findagrave.com
Glenwood Cemetery, Vernon, New Jersey

A Letter from Mary Lou

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mary Lou Garlinghouse nee Parker wrote my Aunt a letter when we were asking for family recipes.  I'm so happy to have this to pass on.

Dear Joyce,
     Hi, Good to hear from you.  I'm doing great! I found some recipes in the First Methodist Church Cookbook, I tried to find your Grandmother Snook's nut cake , she made it for every occasion; but couldn't locate it.
     I doubt if you remember but your mom did not have a big food budget but she had milk and eggs - so she made puddings/custards, pies, etc. Your grandparents and father would go and pick cherries and your mom would have them pit them.  We would sit outside the kitchen door on the stone porche under a shady tree and pit cherries.  She canned or froze them with green beans, corn - your mom could stretch the food momey.  There were also chickens and beef in season.  The apple walnut cake as something like applesauce cake.  I remember it as being delicious!
     Your mom sold eggs but the cracked ones are what she used in her own cooking.  You have to crack an egg to use it so those were great.

Hope you can use these recipes.


Genealogy Grumps?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Have you come across any Genealogy Grumps? 

I have come across two so far in my research.  Thankfully there are so many more out there who are more than willing to help you as well as some long lost family members who are excited to find someone in the family. 

One of the grumps is a family member who has kept her research hidden from me even after I approached her.  Thankfully I have gotten around it to get information I need and my focus is on a different branch however it definitely stings when someone in your family treats the family history like this.  

The second grump is a member of www.findagrave.com .  Like I said above, the majority of genealogists that I have come across are awesome but this particular member seems to be more focused on her numbers than on actually helping others.  I asked to have management of a few graves transfered to me.  I have the rest of the family members in the plot and it is my father's family who he lived with growing up.  She flat out refused it to me!  She's not even family! 

Sigh, I hate hitting these speed bumps but I'm trying to keep a happy face on.

So, have you come across any Genealogy Grumps?

And we are off....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today I was finally able to meet with the Regent (or actually the former Regent) of the local DAR chapter.  It was a great meeting and she answered a lot of my questions.  She gave me the information I need to pursue a line that a family has refused to give me any information on.  I am faxing the application tomorrow morning!  That way it will be a bit easier to get my foot in the door. 

This chapter is small but is growing with about 30 people interested and in different stages of their application.  She is so pleased that many more younger women are applying.  I'm very excited yet nervous as to where this will take me in life but it will be a wonderful adventure! 

I'll keep this blog updated with my progress.  Once I get the information back from the National DAR office it should be smooth sailing.  The keyword there is smooth.

Wish me luck!