Genealogy Grumps?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Have you come across any Genealogy Grumps? 

I have come across two so far in my research.  Thankfully there are so many more out there who are more than willing to help you as well as some long lost family members who are excited to find someone in the family. 

One of the grumps is a family member who has kept her research hidden from me even after I approached her.  Thankfully I have gotten around it to get information I need and my focus is on a different branch however it definitely stings when someone in your family treats the family history like this.  

The second grump is a member of .  Like I said above, the majority of genealogists that I have come across are awesome but this particular member seems to be more focused on her numbers than on actually helping others.  I asked to have management of a few graves transfered to me.  I have the rest of the family members in the plot and it is my father's family who he lived with growing up.  She flat out refused it to me!  She's not even family! 

Sigh, I hate hitting these speed bumps but I'm trying to keep a happy face on.

So, have you come across any Genealogy Grumps?


Lori H said...

I haven't run into too many grumps, but they are out there! Just keep smiling and keep on doing what you do. Let them be the miserable ones!

Monica said...

Oh goodness that's funny! I did run across one myself and I was a bit taken aback. I share whatever I have - except those personal stories of folks that are alive ya know. But this person really didn't seem very nice. No bother, there are so many of us willing to do whatever we can for others that is in our ability to do so. I'm new to all of this - but I've assisted others, and others have assisted me. :) One big happy tree!

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